Her kan du finde referater fra afdelingsrådsmøderne Dokumenter Referat - sept 21 Shape Created with Sketch. ref afdelingsråd nov19.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. ref_afdelingsråd sept19.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Hoeringssvar Styrelsesvedtægt19.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. afdelingsråd referat marts 19.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. referat af afd. møde GR 050219.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. afdelingsråd referat 040918.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. afdelingsråd ref. juni 18.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. ref. afdelingsråd september 17.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Bil ref. afdelingsråd feburar 17.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. ref afdelingsråd_nov 16.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.